Hiking in Las Alpujarras

In the South of Granada, below the Sierra Nevada lies 70km of valleys in a region known as La Alpujarra . La Alpujarra extends over Granada and Almería , and is sometimes referred to as Las Alpujarras . This region is one of the last areas of Moorish settlement in Spain. The name alpujarra supposedly derives from the Arabic word al-bugsharra meaning "sierra of pastures." La Alpujarra is made up of quaint hillside villages that have an average altitude of 4,000 feet above sea level. They're full of whitewashed houses and are thus known as pueblos blancos (white villages). Surrounded by streams, ravines, and woodlands, the make for some of the best hiking trails in Spain. So yesterday, Lyle and I decided to take a day trip and go for a hike. Our day started with a bit of misadventure -- the bus to the bus station was taking really long, and we ended up missing the 10am bus by just a few minutes. The next bus was still at 12nn, so we ended up visiting a nearby Carre...