Teaching Stories (Part 1)
This week marks the halfway point through the first bimestre (our school year is divided into four bimestres , each 10 weeks long, give or take). While there have been some bad days, some exhausting days, some days when I just couldn't , and some days when Marlene, Natalie and I end up on the couch after work venting/ranting, there have also been some good days and some pretty damn good days. These are days I want to remember and like to share, so here's a little post on that. :) My first graders have been diligently working on their short vowel sounds. At an age where they're still working on their reading and writing skills in Spanish, it's so great to see them be able to produce sounds and read short words in English. The little boy on the picture above on the left is one of the scholars of the school. He has delayed literacy skills (even in Spanish), and I try to spend a little time during class working one-on-one with him. His upbeat attitude makes my d...