A picture here and there

I haven't found a good site to upload my pictures for you to see, so I've posted a few here.

With the Encierro statue of the San Fermines festival Pamplona is popular for.

By one of the entrances to the University of Navarra.
L-R: Carmen, Shanshan, and me in Miranda, a small city about an hour away from Pamplona. It's the hometown of Marina (who is taking the picture).
In Lourdes, by the cross.
You can see how many people there are in the TV screen. The main white tent is where the altar and the Pope were. The smaller tent on the right was for the choir.Pope Benedcit XVI as he passed by us.A night out in one of the bars. Clockwise: Janine (Germany), Molly W., Scarlett, Allison (all USA), Mimi (France), Me, Molly K. (USA), Barbara (Switzerland).


WoO said…
I'm a bit scared of the pope... Too bad we couldn't meet, Sofia! Enjoy your trip!


Anonymous said…
Coolness! You were so near the pope!