An update...
I’ve had to get out my hat and gloves last Thursday because it SNOWED in Pamplona. Snowing in March: proof of Pamplona’s weird weather. I enjoyed the snow for a while, but having no umbrella, I got pretty much soaked and cold.
Other than that, everything’s been pretty tranquil here. For the second semester, I’ve enrolled in five courses: Spanish II, Spanish Linguistics, Introduction to Global Communication, International Relations, and French.
My Spanish Grammar and Linguistics class are pretty much like the ones I had last semester. In Spanish there are two translations for the verb “to be”: ser and estar. What’s interesting is that there are some adjectives that change meaning when you use them with the other verb. For example, ser lista means to be smart, while estar lista means to be ready. And the list goes on and on… It’s actually pretty interesting though I do get confused sometimes because I just go with the one that sounds right.
International Relations I have in Spanish and it’s pretty hard. I take it with Maria (from the apartment across) and she helps me study and keep up with the class. It’s interesting though and I’m getting better at understanding what the professor is saying.
The Introduction to Global Communication course just started, as opposed to the others, which started in February. It’s English and I like it though I already have a test next Friday and a short paper due on Thursday.
French I’m finding harder to take in that Spanish. I also take it extensively (twice a week) and I don’t speak it everyday so it’s harder to learn. The pronunciation I also find difficult to remember, since Spanish words are pretty much pronounce-as-you-read-it. What’s funny though is that I’m learning French in Spanish. The teacher speaks in Spanish, and I take notes and translate in Spanish.