January happenings in Granada
Life back in Granada has been... cold. The temperature has stayed below 8ºC the past few weeks, and my second week back, it rained pretty much everyday making it even colder. Not much has really happened this month. I've been keeping indoors trying to stay warm (trying since our cold apartment has no central heating). Nevertheless, a few happenings from this month: - The Pope's visit to the Philippines made Granada's local newspaper! There was a short article on his visit particularly the last mass he celebrated. - In my history class with the 4º de ESO, their current topic is imperialism and colonisation. After reading an English excerpt, the teacher proceeded to discuss the lesson in Spanish. I zoned off for a bit, and the next thing I knew the teacher was asking me to say something about Pope Francis' visit to the Philippines. I admittedly wasn't paying much attention (oops), but I did manage to say something about the Pope, Catholicism in the Philippines...