Parades, Marching Bands, and More - Cultural Week Celebrations

The week before last was a busy one, with our school celebrating a Semana Cultural or cultural week. Us English teachers donned some typical blouses and joined the rest of the Guatemalans in celebrating their culture. 2018 English Team Much like last year 's, for each day of the week, we had a different activity. First up were folkloric dances. We had the adorable kids from Pre-K join us. I sat with this cutie who was amused by the front camera of my phone. Grade by grade, the students performed for the parents. There were some traditional dances, and others that were more story-like depicting a market day or a corn harvest. Primero's Market Dance Kinder's Corn Harvest Dance The Pre-K students wore some mini versions of the kites that are popular in the Giant Kite Festival held on November first (as seen at the end of this post ). The next day, we had rhythmic gymnastics. The little ones are always happy to smile for the camera...