A few random thoughts...

Recently, we've celebrated quite a number of fiestas in Pamplona:
November 29- San Saturnino
December 3- San Francisco de Javier
December 6- Spanish Constitution
December 8-Immaculate Concepcion
After the fiestas of San Saturnino and San Francisco, I got interested in knowing more about them. San Saturnino is the patron saint of Pamplona, along with San Fermin (whose fiesta is celebrated by the popular running of the bulls). San Francisco de Javier on the other hand is the patron saint of Navarra. But as to why these people are the patron saints of these places, I have yet to find out. I also found out that Saint James the Great is the patron saint of Spain, as well as the Virgin of Pilar. The Virgin of Pilar is also the patroness of Zaragoza in particular, but her feast day is celebrated all over Spain.
I’ve been dumped with work this whole week. Last week I had to hand in my Literature paper, my European Media Culture Abstract, and then on Friday I had to present my Exposition for my Uso class. After those were over I spent the weekend working on my Cultura Commentary. Now that it's done, I have to start studying for my exams next week. I really can't wait for the Christmas break!
Rocio came back from her Asian travels last Monday and on Sunday she invited me to have lunch at Larrabide. A Filipino lunch! We had nagaraya, calamnsi juice, adobo, and dried mango! A real treat. :)
And it still hasn't snowed though Marina assured me that I will freeze in Burgos when I spend Christmas with her.
One more thing. Remember the Olimpiada Solidaria? It ended on the 5th of December. I'm not sure how much was raised overall but Larrabide was able to study 777.5 hours!
