
So yesterday was Thanksgiving, and for one of my English classes I did the presentation on Philippine holidays and festivals since we don't celebrate Thanksgiving in the Philippines. To introduce what I was going to talk about, the teacher went on to ask the class what day it was. (Note that I alternate Week A & B so I see this class every other week, but I didn't see them 2 weeks ago since they had a conference to attend). Teacher: So what day is it today? Student 1: November 27. Teacher: Ok, yes, but it's the 4th Thursday of the month. What happens? Student 2: Sofi comes! We all had a good laugh and it was a fun way to start the class. And after my presentation they all gave me a round of applause which was surprising, but nice. It felt good to be appreciated, especially by the older students. Although Spain doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving, I do have an American flatmate. So a couple days back Elisa and her friend Katie planned to host a Thanksgivin...